Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Ok so I know I am a big time slacker. It has been over a month since I have posted a new entry. Jon keeps giving me a hard time since I keep putting it off.

Life at our house has been pretty interesting lately. With me finally getting a job and trying to find places for the kids to go after school and trying to keep a clean house it makes it so I am pretty worn out at night and the last thing on my mind is finding something to blog about. Well tonight I figured I just needed to get with it and let everyone know what has been going on around here.

We recently had SEP time for the girls. That is pretty much parent teacher conference and more time that the kids don’t have to be in school. It seems like they get a lot of days off. Anyway, Jon got to attend since I had to work and their teachers said that both girls were going well. Livy is above average in her reading. She is actually reading on a first grade level. I have been amazed at how quick she picked it up. She has also started taking spelling tests. Again she is doing well and has gotten 100% on all of them. The only thing she is struggling with is rhyming words. Her teacher isn’t worried though. Jaylee is doing well also. She has started doing cursive. She brought some home the other day and is actually doing rather well for just starting to learn it. Her teacher is concerned about a couple thing but I am sure she will catch up. I haven’t been too impressed with her teacher so I don’t know if Jaylee is struggling with the work itself or the way her teacher is presenting the work. Guess we will have to see how the rest of the year goes for her.

Last weekend we had a chance to visit with Aaron, Nichole and Jack. The girls had a lot of fun with all of them. On Sunday they spent some time playing games on the Wii and then we went to the park by us. After the park the girls went with Aaron and Nichole to their hotel and went swimming. They seemed to have a good time. They came home exhausted from all the days activities. The girls REALLY enjoy having their family from up North come down and visit.

So as many of you know I have started a job at Wal-Mart. It is a new store located in Hurricane. Because it is a new store the associates have had the pleasure of setting up all the shelves and stocking them. The grand opening is March 18th. We only have 5 days left to get everything ready. It has been a very interesting experience. The first week I was sooooooo sore. Their was one morning that I actually started crying when Jon asked me how I was doing. My feet were killing me from having to be on them all day and walking around on concrete. Luckily now I am not having that problem. I switched shoes and that has seemed to help.

The whole hiring process was a whole new experience for me. I went there thinking that I would be in and out in 30 minutes. Boy was I wrong. They have you go through 3 interviews before they tell you that you are hired. I was there an hour and a half and still had to go back the next week for the 3rd interview since I had to get home to get Livy. My first interview was with the assistant manager over the fitting room, the position they call me to come interview for. During my second interview the assistant manager said that she wanted me to work at the service desk instead of the fitting room. I had them fighting over me before I had even been hired. Then the beginning of this week the co-manager for the store pulled me aside and told me that their was going to be a position opening at the Bloomington store for the cash office and that she thought I would be perfect for the job. Here we go with another position change. When I told my manager about it she informed me that she had a graveyard position in her cash office and wanted me to stay there if I was interested in the position. Man do I feel wanted or what! So it all came down to the money. I will get paid more for the cash office position and then get more for working grave yards so I went with the offer at the Hurricane store. I am not too excited about the grave yards but it will help out our family financially and with the no need for babysitters now. For that reason I will get use to working at night.

Jon is still working at Staples. He is starting to like his job more and more. They have been having a special on PC tune-ups so he has been busy working on computers, which is what he enjoys doing. They must like him a lot and have confidence in his ability to work on the computers. They call him in on his days off to help get things caught up. They have also been willing to work with his schedule to help get him home around the same time Jaylee gets home from work. The latest he works now, unless I am home and he gets called in, is 4:00 which makes it so Jaylee is only home alone for about 20 minutes after school. Not a lot of employers will help out like that.

Now I know a lot of you are thinking, “How could you even think of letting an 8 year old be home by herself?”. Now before you get all worked up about it, our neighbor knows that Jaylee is here by herself and Jaylee knows that she can go over there if she gets scared or worried. She actually likes being here by herself. She comes home, does her chores and then starts on her homework if she has any. She is showing us that she can be trusted and that she is really growing up. I actually think that it has been good for her in a way. And it is usually only 20 minutes maybe 30 minutes at the most that she is here alone.

Well I think I have rambled on long enough. Hopefully it won’t be another 6 weeks until I blog again.

Here are some pictures from last weekend with Aaron, Nichole and Jack.












  1. That's awesome that you are in the cash office, sucks that it is graveyard. Atleast you don't have to deal with stupid customers!
    I miss Jaylee and Olivia so much! Thanks for posting pictures..... And leaving Jaylee at home alone WHAT THE??? Just Kidding. I think she is more than capable of being able to care for herself, specially where it is only a half hour.... Tell anyone who complains to shove it!

  2. Thats funny about jaylee staying at home alone. I think that I was in kindgergarden when my mom left us home alone. Yeah she was a great mom. j/k I am glad that they can read and write because aunt nicki still has a hard time and I know that shavon sucked at spelling also. I will move down and be oyur babysitter. I need to find my husband a job, but scott is quite the stay at home dad.

  3. You are doing an awesome job with the girls. Jaylee is well able to care for herself for a few minutes and I am so proud of Olivia's reading. I can't wait to see you all.
